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    Fabric Basics: each fabric has its own characteristics

    文章出处:未知 责任编辑:admin 人气:发表时间:2020-11-04 16:25【

    Material properties can be divided into raw fiber material, weaving, texture, weight, handle, finishing wear and cleaning performance.

       briefly describe the weaving, texture, weight and wearability of the fabric.

    Knitting: knitting includes weaving and knitting. Most of our clothes are woven. Common woven fabrics are plain and twill fabrics. Its structure is related to the texture, weight and handle of the fabric.

    Texture: each material has its own organizational structure, which produces different tactile / visual effects due to different materials and weaving methods. Such as: smooth and glossy cotton, soft and light gauze. An original Cosplay dress pays great attention to texture, so be careful when choosing fabric. It is better to discuss the cutting method and material with the tailor.

    Weight: the weight of a fabric, usually g / M (in g / M). Needless to say, if you want to have a little effect, you need to choose lighter fabrics and vice versa. For example, coats, skirts, pants, etc. use heavier fabrics, while shirts use lighter fabrics. In addition, fabrics are closely related to the season. Basically, heavier fabrics will be used in autumn and winter.

    4. Wearability and cleanliness: wearability refers to the durability of clothes, while cleanliness refers to whether clothes can be washed or need to be washed by hand or dry cleaning. This is very important for everyday clothing, but in terms of cosplay clothing, it is usually negligible. Sometimes, in order to achieve the original BT effect, it is necessary to use very heavy cloth, and the clothes are not often worn, which will sacrifice the convenience of wearing and cleaning.